Thursday, April 14, 2011

WEEK 14: Distance Education & Virtual Schooling

Week 14, the final week, it all comes down to this, my final blog post. Before I discuss what we learned this week, I would like to say its been a real journey learning about social media and web 2.0 as a whole. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this week we discussed distance education and virtual schooling. Distance education has been around for a long time. I remember as a kid learning about students who lived in rural Australia and did all of their schooling via a phone call to a teacher in the city. Today, phone schooling is outdated. Students can now take courses online. My first experience with online classes was in high school. To be part of the school TV program, I had to take online classes over the summer. When I reached college, online education had a presence here as well.  I've taken several of them because they're a great way to learn at my own speed without the need to commute to campus.

There's definitely a place for online education in the field of telecommunication and production. Programs like Photoshop or Final Cut Pro are constantly coming out with updates and new versions. With these new versions comes new functionality and greater creative power. Educating myself on these updates and additional functionality through virtual schooling allows me to stay on top of my work and improve the quality of my work.

Virtual Co-pilot
I chose this website because its a great example of distance education. This site contains hundred of tutorials on the special affects program, After Effects. By following these tutorials I can educate myself outside of the classroom.

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